Why Should You Go For Online Modes Of Bill Payments


With packed schedules, how many people are able to pay bills using the old-school methods of bill payments? Earlier, each bill payment took a minimum 2-3 hours including the time spent during travelling. Now-a-days, it is not possible to waste so much time on such meagre tasks. Waiting in long anchored queues for hours is not acceptable now. To make such tasks easy and less time consuming, numerous online bill payment platforms have come into existence. XPay Life is one of the best electricity bill payment platforms in India.

online bill payment

Now-a-days, bill payments can be done quickly by using any
QR Code Payment App. But how to choose the best one from the ocean of online bill payment platforms? Customers mainly seek for a platform which provides a high level of security to all the transactions and does the work quickly. XPay Life appropriately fits into this criteria, hence it is a trusted online payment platform used by a huge number of customers. XPay Life is built on the AMBIC Model which makes the platform highly sensitive to any kind of changes in stored customer data by the third party.

AMBIC is the acronym for Artificial intelligence, Mobility, Blockchain, IoT and Cloud storage. Paying bills using XPay Life is very cost effective. A rupee saved is a rupee earned. Customers are provided with instant discounts of considerable amounts on every bill payment. Various coupons can also be applied while doing online TataSky Recharge. Customers can win a lot of scratch cards and coupons on every bill payment. Payments can be done safely using Credit card, Debit card, UPIs, Net banking, etc. because the card details or the net banking details are not stored in the app or anywhere.

XPay Life is the only Indian app which covers both the spectrums of bill payments i.e. offline as well as online mode. In online mode, payments can be done using the mobile app and website, while offline payments can be done using PoS devices, Self-service Touch Screen ATP Kiosks or by using the mobile vans. Customers can do North Eastern Electricity Supply Company of Odisha (NESCO) Electric Bill Payment Odisha using online as well as offline mode of payments. Numerous Kiosks are installed all over India to serve people. Apart from bill payment kiosks, XPay Life has also installed safety kiosks, information kiosks and many others.

The mobile vans are mainly used in the rural areas. These vans are well-furnished and have a Self-service Touch screen ATP Kiosk, a mini ATM machine and a vending machine. Apart from villages, these vans can also be seen near exhibitions, fairs, etc. These mobile vans regularly visit the assigned villages and let the villagers pay their utility bills using the self-service Kiosks. Earlier, rural people avoided getting insurance as they had to visit the nearest branch of a trusted bank. But now as they are getting door-to-door services, they are readily buying Health Insurance for them.

XPay Life also acts as a FASTag Recharge App. Recharge your FASTag from the comfort of your home and decrease the travel time considerably. There is no need to stand in the queues at the toll gate and pay the toll tax when you have recharged your FASTag. The tax will be automatically deducted from your account once you cross the toll gate.

Online modes of bill payments are less time consuming and safe. Visiting the service provider’s office is not at all required. There are no time limitations as the bills can be paid during any time of the day. Online platforms keep a track on your recurring bills and give few gentle reminders before the next due date approaches, hence make sure you do not jump the due dates. XPay Life is continuously working hard to make the bill payment procedures easier and more convenient.

For More Information Visit: https://www.xpay.life


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